
webinar: Why does Harvard rank last of 248 American universities for free speech?


Why does Harvard rank last of 248 American universities for free speech?

At 4 pm Eastern on Thursday, October 12, HAFFS (Harvard Alumni for Free Speech) will co-sponsor a free webinar with FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) to discuss why Harvard ranked dead last among American universities in terms of free speech on campus in FIRE’s annual survey.


Learn more about FIRE’s research by tuning into this webinar featuring FIRE Director of Polling and Analytics Sean Stevens. Plus, hear the truth about Harvard straight from the source: current student Omar Wahby, involved alumnus Jie Li, and current faculty member J. Mark Ramseyer, all of whom possess incredible insight into the crisis surrounding free speech on campus.


Register for the October 12 HAFFS-FIRE webinar here: https://thefire-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OB_y1o5hSQuYfC73C9kDNw#/registration