“Bowling Alone” author Robert Putnam on the Importance of Community Involvement

Author Robert Putnam color portraitIn-person Community Engagement has gradually declined during the last 50 years. Today busy citizens of our towns often feel they don’t have time to commit to outside activities, whether it is being on a town committee, sports club, church, or local service club.

On Wednesday, June 19th at 5 pm, Robert Putnam is going to speak on the impact of this reduced level of involvement on our region’s and our country’s social fabric at a gathering organized by the Kiwanis Club of Peterborough at RiverMead. He has found that the social interaction and civic discussions build social bridges within our towns that create happier, more united communities.

Robert Putnam is a Jaffrey resident and world-renowned scholar who is currently the Malkin Research Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University. The common thread through his work is the premise that social forces have frayed the shared values of the American populace, leading to the diminishment of community bonds and social interaction. To many observers, his research into American community decline holds the answers to some of our democracy’s present difficulties.

While engaging in a distinguished career at Harvard as a Professor of Public Policy, Putnam wrote 14 books, including the bestselling “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community.” Robert was also the focus of “Join or Die,” a recent film focused on the importance of Americans reversing this trend and re-engaging with each other to strengthen community bonds. During his talk, Putnam will discuss how America came together a century ago to resolve a similar era of social dysfunction, as described in his recent book, “The Upswing.”

Putnam’s presentation is hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Peterborough. “Robert Putnam has the key to how we can improve and mend our communities,” said Samuel Abbott, president of Kiwanis of Peterborough. “We’re delighted to host one of the world’s leading authorities on the importance of civic engagement – something that our local Kiwanis Club strongly believes in.”

Putnam’s presentation is open to the public, and admission is free. The event starts at 5 pm on Wednesday, June 19, in the RiverMead Auditorium at 150 RiverMead Road in Peterborough. Robert’s talk will begin at 5:45 after a social period with drinks and snacks.

For more information, please call 603-732-2728 or send an email to Sam@Perelux.com.